Minnesota Multi-Ethnic Twin Registry (MTR)

About the study 

The SIBS MTR Study Team
The MTR Team

The Minnesota Twin Registry is a birth-record-based registry that began in 1983 from the birth records of 4307 twin pairs born between 1936 and 1955. We at MTR have been meeting with Minnesota twins over the past four decades to study how genetics and physical and cognitive health influence healthy aging. In our latest follow-up study with our twin cohort, we are especially interested in cognitive health and individual differences. 

Who we are contacting for this study

Members of the Minnesota Twin Registry are very important to science for many reasons. Briefly, the cohort allows us to examine how genes and environments interact to influence human development. This can often be done by comparing and contrasting one twin with another, within families, which makes the participation of each member of a twin pair extremely valuable.

A key aim of the new grant is to expand into a multi-ethnic registry by including participants from the Carolina African American Twin Study of Aging (CAATSA).

Study Assessments

In a new assessment of MTR funded by the National Institutes on Aging, areas of study include personality, demographics, relationships, and more recently, cognitive and physical health.

Study personnel/contact info

  • PIs: Robert Krueger, Glenn Roisman
  • Co-PIs: Matt McGue, Susan South
  • Coordinator: Ashelyn Gunderson
  • Principal Recruiter: Kerry Simmons
  • Assessment Staff: Jennifer Korthas, Tyler Gallagher, Susan Andersen, Elise Vomacka, Kassidy Nikunen


We have recently begun collecting data for our current assessment. We expect to continue data collection through 2027.


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What is the Assessment like? 

Our Remote Assessments are conducted over the phone and take approximately 4 hours to complete. You receive an assessment package mailed to your home address that includes materials that will be used during your assessment and a Clin Card for compensation. The follow-up to the Remote Assessment is an optional Daily Diary study that runs for a total of 2 weeks after your assessment. 

How will I be compensated for my participation? 

We provide compensation via a Clin Card, a prepaid MasterCard Debit Card that can be used wherever MasterCard is accepted, including having the card cashed out at a bank.

Will I receive personalized results from my participation? 

Brain teasers that you complete as part of the assessment can be provided upon request. We are unfortunately unable to provide detailed personalized results as a result of the nature of large-scale, longitudinal research.

Can I participate even if my twin does not? 

Yes, while a major aim of the study is to assess twin pairs, each interview is an individual assessment that does not require your twin to participate.

What are you doing with my DNA? 

A major aim of this study is to assess the impacts of underlying genetic factors, shared, and non-shared environments. All collected DNA samples are deidentified and not tied to any personal information.

What if I am too busy to participate right now? 

Our assessment project period spans multiple years of data collection. If you find yourself interested but unable to participate at this time, we can work to find a time in the future that will work with your busy schedule.